Collaborative Sales

Collaborative Sales

What Content Should You Be Adding in a Sales Room?

Sep 2, 2024



min read

In the modern B2B sales landscape, digital sales rooms are becoming indispensable. They provide a space where sellers and buyers can collaborate, share resources, and move deals forward. But to maximize their potential, the content you include in these rooms is critical. The right content can enhance buyer engagement, shorten the sales cycle, and drive better outcomes.

Essential Content for Digital Sales Rooms

  • Mutual Action Plans (Deal Plans): Start with a mutual action plan that outlines the steps both parties need to take to move the deal forward. This document should include timelines, responsibilities, and critical milestones. Using tools like dealpad allow you to build MAPs into your sales room, easily. 

  • Product Demos and Case Studies: Include video demos and case studies that showcase your product's benefits in action. Tailor these materials to address the specific pain points of the buying team.

    The more content you can add that builds trust with buyers, the better! Bucket case studies into relevant use cases in a library or content repository, so when deals are created (or new stakeholders are discovered), you can add specific case studies and content useful to them, in seconds.

  • Make sure you’re NOT just adding any old case study/product demo in your room; focus on the content that matters to the individual buying team. The more specific your content is, the more engaging your rooms will be, giving you detailed buyer engagement data that can help you accelerate the deal. 

  • Personalized Content: Just sat a demo? Or come off a call? Get the recording or transcript in your rooms. For more engaging content, summarize those calls and pull out the key points you want the buying team to remember.

    Centralizing this content can be incredibly valuable, especially when new stakeholders are brought into the conversation. You now have a running track of previous meetings, valuable insight and key ties to your solution, all in one place; allowing new buyers to view and engage with this content, unlike before. This can be a seriously effective way of showing your prospects how you do business. 

Enhancing Buyer Engagement
Including the right content isn't just about information—it's about engaging the buyer. Content that is relevant, personalized, and easily accessible can significantly influence B2B buyer behavior and shorten the sales cycle.

The more ways in which you can engage buyers, the more likely they are to share with their team and spend more time consuming your content. These are great indicators of close-won likelihood. Take this a step further, and start tracking engagement as an integral part of how you evaluate deals. This can give sellers a purely objective view on which deals should require more of their time, based on the likelihood of winning. You can also use this data to highlight weak spots and as part of how you progress deals through specific stages. 

A great example of this would be a business value cale/proposal stage; has our economic buyer looked at the proposal? Have they spent time reading it? If not, this deal is not worthy of a deal progress… If they have, that’s a great sign of intent. 

By thoughtfully curating the content in your digital sales room, you provide value at every stage of the buyer’s journey. This strategic approach ensures that your buyer feels supported, informed, and confident in their decision.

Dealpad makes this process seamless by allowing you to centralize all necessary materials, people, and processes in one collaborative workspace. With Dealpad, you can ensure your sales room is always stocked with the most relevant and impactful content, tailored to drive engagement and close deals faster.

With dealpad, you can template out content into a repository, helping sellers find the relevant content they need to share with buyers quickly. Knowing the importance of quality buyer engagement data in deal forecasting, we’ve also build the tools your team needs to evaluate and prioritize deals effectively, with our AI co-pilot SalesMind and in-depth buyer analytic reporting. 

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Written By

Freddie Johnson

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