Sales Process

Sales Process

Navigating Complex Sales: Tactics for Success

Aug 23, 2024



min read

Managing complex sales with multiple stakeholders and long cycles can be daunting for individual sellers and VPs of Sales. Success in these scenarios requires strategic planning, effective stakeholder management, and leveraging the right tools. This blog provides guidance on navigating complex sales, including tactics for managing deals, stakeholder tips, and the benefits of using collaborative sales spaces like DealPad.

Understanding Complex Sales

Complex sales typically involve longer cycles, multiple stakeholders, and a higher degree of customization. These deals require a strategic approach and a deep understanding of the buyer's needs and processes. Key challenges include coordinating with various stakeholders, maintaining momentum, and accurately forecasting outcomes.

Tactics for Managing Complex Deals

  1. Stakeholder Mapping: Identify and map out all the key stakeholders involved in the decision-making process early in the deal cycle. This includes decision-makers, influencers, and potential blockers. Understanding their roles and concerns helps tailor your approach and communication. Religiously using a sales practice to qualify and understand buying teams, such as MEDDPIC, significantly affects the outcome of your deals. Ebsta, in its recent buying report, found that reps are 324% more likely to win deal if MEDDPICC is completed by Solution Presented stage.

  2. Effective Communication: Maintain clear and consistent communication with all stakeholders. Regular updates and check-ins ensure everyone is aligned and any issues are promptly addressed. Use collaborative sales tools to facilitate transparent and real-time communication. Keeping this centralized can also have unexpected benefits. Keeping track of different email threads, across different teams and different people can be challenging especially when you’re left out of the chain from not being cc’d. Use tools to centralize this information with your buyers so that they have a place to revisit and keep track of previously asked questions, in one place.

  3. Customized Solutions: Complex sales often require tailored solutions. Work closely with stakeholders to understand their unique needs and challenges. Present customized proposals that address these specific requirements, demonstrating your commitment to their success.

  4. Leveraging Collaborative Sales Spaces: Collaborative sales spaces like DealPad enable sellers to centralize content, communications, and mutual action plans. This transparency helps discover all relevant stakeholders and understand their roles early in the deal cycle, leading to more effective engagement.

Stakeholder Management Tips

  1. Build Relationships: Develop strong relationships with all key stakeholders. Understand their priorities and motivations, and address their concerns empathetically. Building trust and rapport can significantly influence the outcome of the deal.

  2. Use Mutual Action Plans: Implement mutual action plans to keep everyone on track. These plans outline the steps and milestones needed to close the deal, with clear responsibilities and deadlines for both parties. This fosters accountability and ensures progress.

  3. Monitor Buyer Engagement: Use buyer engagement analytics to track how stakeholders interact with your content and communications. This data provides insights into their interest levels and helps you adjust your strategy accordingly. DealPad’s analytics features offer detailed tracking to inform your approach.

Using Buyer Engagement Analytics

Accurately forecasting outcomes in complex sales requires realistic insights into buyer engagement. By analyzing how stakeholders engage with your content and communications, you can gauge their interest and commitment. This data-driven approach helps set realistic expectations and identify areas needing attention.

Current Trends: According to the Pavilion and Ebsta report, the average sales cycle increased by 16% in H1 2023 compared to 2022, highlighting the growing complexity in sales processes​. Leveraging analytics to monitor engagement and adjust strategies is essential for managing these complexities effectively.

Ready to navigate complex sales with ease? Discover how DealPad can help you manage stakeholders, maintain clear communication, and leverage buyer engagement analytics. Our platform provides the tools you need to streamline the sales process and close deals faster.

Try DealPad today and see the difference in managing complex sales!

Summary of Tips

  • Identify and map key stakeholders early in the deal cycle.

  • Maintain clear and consistent communication with all stakeholders.

  • Customize solutions to address specific buyer needs and challenges.

  • Use collaborative sales spaces to centralize content and communications.

  • Implement mutual action plans to keep everyone on track.

  • Leverage buyer engagement analytics to set realistic expectations and adjust strategies.

By adopting these tactics and leveraging the right tools, individual sellers and VPs of Sales can successfully navigate complex sales, ensuring alignment, progress, and ultimately, closing more deals.


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Written By

Freddie Johnson

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