Collaborative Sales

Collaborative Sales

Creating Effective Mutual Action Plans: A Step-by-Step Guide

Aug 16, 2024



min read

In the fast-paced world of B2B sales, keeping deals on track can be challenging. One proven strategy to ensure alignment and progress is through Mutual Action Plans (MAPs). These plans are collaborative documents created and agreed upon by both the seller and the buyer, outlining the steps necessary to close a deal. This guide will help individual sellers create and use effective MAPs to enhance buyer engagement and streamline the sales process.

What is a Mutual Action Plan?

A Mutual Action Plan (MAP) is a shared document that outlines the critical steps and milestones needed to complete a sales process. It includes deadlines, responsibilities, and specific actions both parties must take to achieve a successful outcome. MAPs are essential for fostering collaborative sales efforts and ensuring all stakeholders are aligned and committed to the process.

Benefits of Using Mutual Action Plans

  1. Enhanced Buyer Engagement: MAPs ensure buyers are actively involved in the sales process, leading to increased engagement and commitment.

  2. Clear Expectations: By outlining specific actions and deadlines, MAPs set clear expectations for both the seller and the buyer.

  3. Improved Communication: MAPs facilitate transparent communication, helping to address any issues or blockers promptly.

  4. Shortened Sales Cycles: With a clear plan in place, sales cycles can be significantly reduced, leading to faster deal closures.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Mutual Action Plan

  1. Initiate the Conversation: Explain its benefits and how it can help both parties achieve their goals. This way you and your buyer are aligned on the reasons for following such a plan such as making it easier to keep track of where everyone is at, in the process. It also makes it a lot easier for your champion to bring others in on the conversation. Especially if your mutual action plan is the same place new stakeholders learn about you and the conversations you’ve had so far. 

  2. Define Objectives: Clearly define the objectives of the MAP. What are the primary goals for both parties? This could include implementation timelines, budget approvals, and specific deliverables. 

  3. Work Backwards: Similar to point 2, if your champion has indicated when they need a solution by (or would like something implemented by), work backwards. Based on previous deals and how you typically see your sales cycle unfold, give guidance visually on how long this process will take for them. Are we ahead of schedule? Are we behind? This can be a powerful anchor to accelerating deal momentum and discovering more of the stakeholders needed within the process. 

  4. Identify Key Milestones: Break down the sales process into key milestones. These could be product demonstrations, contract negotiations, or implementation reviews. Assign deadlines to each milestone to ensure timely progress. This makes it easy to work backwards from implementation or close won. If you use a mutual action plan tool like dealpad, template this plan out so that your reps can spin up mutual action plans based on your typical sales process quickly and remove the heavy lifting. 

  5. Assign Responsibilities and Start with Roles: Determine who is responsible for each task or milestone. This includes both your team and the buyer’s team. Assigning clear responsibilities ensures accountability and helps track progress. I can be intrusive when going too fast. Start with roles you typically need at each stage and focus on that most important stage first. This can be a great way to ease your buyer into using your mutual action plan with their team. 

  6. Set Deadlines: Establish realistic deadlines for each task and milestone. This helps keep the sales process on track and prevents delays. Use delays as an excuse to reach out. What are the ramifications of this on implementation? Give your buyers a sense of the big picture and remember to tie this back to the goals of the project (what really matters), not ticking off tasks. No one likes homework. 

  7. Monitor Progress: Regularly review the MAP with the buyer. This helps ensure that both parties are on track and allows for adjustments if necessary. Use collaborative tools like DealPad to monitor progress and maintain transparent communication.

  8. Adjust as Needed: Be flexible and willing to adjust the MAP as new information or challenges arise. Keeping an open line of communication with the buyer ensures that any changes are made collaboratively and transparently.

Tools for Creating and Managing MAPs

Using the right tools can make the creation and management of MAPs more efficient. DealPad, for instance, offers features that allow you to:

  • Centralize Content: Keep all relevant documents and resources in one place.

  • Enhance Communication: Use real-time chat and updates to keep everyone informed.

  • Track Engagement: Monitor buyer engagement with shared content and activities.

  • Identify Blockers: Quickly identify and address any issues that may hinder progress.

Ready to streamline your sales process and enhance buyer engagement? Discover how DealPad can help you create and manage effective Mutual Action Plans. Our platform provides the tools you need to centralize content, enhance communication, and close deals faster.

Try DealPad today and see the difference in your sales performance!

Summary of Tips

  • Initiate the conversation about MAPs with your buyer.

  • Define clear objectives and key milestones.

  • Assign responsibilities and set realistic deadlines.

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Written By

Freddie Johnson

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