Revenue Operations

Revenue Operations

Buyer Engagement Data You Need to Be Measuring

Sep 23, 2024



min read

In the world of B2B sales, understanding buyer behavior is crucial. The data you gather about buyer engagement can provide valuable insights that help you tailor your approach and close more deals. But what data should you be measuring?

Key Buyer Engagement Metrics

  • Content Interaction: Track which pieces of content buyers are engaging with the most. This can indicate their interests and priorities. This is gold dust for your marketing team. What personas interact with content the most and what content do they need to see the most? 

  • Time Spent in Sales Rooms: Measure how much time buyers are spending in your digital sales rooms. More time often correlates with higher buyer intent. Can you tie this to deal stage progression? And how does this affect your sellers with respect to how they allocate their time most effectively. 

  • Response Time: Monitor how quickly buyers are responding to your communications. Quick responses can indicate a high level of interest. Centralize this in one place, to engage others that may not have been involved in recent conversations. 

  • Engagement with Mutual Action Plans: Track whether buyers are engaging with the deal plan. Active participation suggests that the buyer is committed to moving forward.

By focusing on these metrics, you can gain insights into the buyer’s intent and adjust your strategy accordingly. This data-driven approach can help you improve the sales cycle and close deals more efficiently.

All of these indicators can help you forecast deals more accurately and help sellers become objective in deal review. No more, ‘I think it’ll close by X’; know when it’ll close with buyer engagement data. 

In need of buyer engagement analytics for your own sales process and forecasting? Learn more about the insights you can generate with dealpad and our Salesmind AI co-pilot, at

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Written By

Freddie Johnson

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