Seller Tips

Seller Tips

3 Post-Demo Rules That Every Rep Should Be Following

Sep 20, 2024



min read

The product demo is a critical moment in the sales process, but what happens after the demo is just as important. Following a few key rules post-demo can make the difference between a stalled deal and a successful close.

Rule 1: Immediate Follow-Up
After the demo, follow up promptly with a summary of the key points discussed and next steps. This keeps the momentum going and reinforces your value proposition while it’s still fresh in the buyer’s mind. Using a sales room like dealpad? Channel resources, meeting follow ups and messages in one space. Centralizing this content creates a seamless and easy experience for your buyers, especially when buying isn’t their full time job. For new stakeholders entering the process, this shows them a running track of the effort and time invested by their teammates too; a great way to kick off introducing new influencers to your solution and why their team is interested.

Rule 2: Provide Tailored Content
Send tailored content that addresses any specific questions or concerns raised during the demo. This not only shows that you were listening but also helps keep the buyer engaged and moving forward.

Rule 3: Schedule the Next Meeting
Always aim to schedule the next meeting before ending the demo. This ensures that the sales process continues to progress and helps shorten the sales cycle.

One of the most effective ways of keeping both you and your champion accountable is using mutual action plans. MAPs (AKA Mutual Action Plans), help frame the importance of each milestone in the buying process, not just for you as a seller, but for buyers thinking about working through it. If you’re aware of your buyers needing a solution by a particular date, use this to your advantage and frame conversations to accelerate the deal cycle (and meetings with key stakeholders), to stay on track - with them in mind! 

By adhering to these post-demo rules, you can increase your chances of closing the deal and maintaining a strong buyer relationship.

Learn more about how you can follow up with style using dealpad, at

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Written By

Freddie Johnson

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