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BEST DIGITAL SALES ROOM SOFTWARE FOR 2023 (And why should you use it)

Written by Freddie Johnson | Dec 16, 2022 8:10:36 PM

Because of its many advantages, digital sales room software is gradually becoming increasingly popular among sales teams. They make it simpler for buyers to use or absorb the documentation that you deliver while giving sellers and marketers in-depth insights about what content is actually performing to move the sale forward. As a result, sellers and marketers should sell more products in a shorter amount of time.


Following this, we will explain how digital sales rooms function and why they are essential for sellers, provide you with some useful advice on how to incorporate them into your everyday sales processes and take you through some of the most effective products now available on the market.


The force behind these ideas comes from our more than a decade of experience working in the sales and content management software areas, as well as talks with Adam Baker of Dealpad, who gives insider advice about the industry.


Topics discussed in this article include:



Want to have a look at a live example of a digital sales room? Book a free Dealpad Demo.



What is a digital sales room?


Adam provides a succinct and illuminating summary of the idea when he refers to Digital Sales Rooms as "a living and breathing website for your buyer."


Adam observes that "Digital Sales Room" has become the unofficial name for this technology since Gartner established the phrase in a 2020 study. Digital Sales Rooms are also frequently referred to as "client portals," but Adam notes that "Digital Sales Room" has become the mandated name for this technology.


Officially, Digital Sales Room is a customer-facing content platform that allows salespeople to exchange information with prospects while also gaining precise, actionable insights into how prospects interact with sales materials.


Here's a quick rundown of how DSRs operate:


  • The content repository is where sellers add their new items. This feature may exist in tandem with another sales enablement app, such as Dealpad, or it may be a stand-alone programme.
  • The sales team sends the client an email with a link to the repository. All prospects' activity on each resource can be linked back to their email address thanks to a unique URL or registration form. As a result, salespeople can see the specific sites a prospect has visited, the amount of time the prospect has spent on each page or slideshow of a document, or the extent to which the prospect has engaged with a video.
  • To provide the buying team with consistent information, sellers maintain an up-to-date DSR at all times.

The sales team will be able to see reports detailing the interests of each contact. It's possible that the manager spent much time reviewing technical specifications, while a C-suite executive read over the pricing report.


By immediately responding to their buyers' wants and concerns, retailers can increase their sales productivity with the aid of this technology. It also gives customers an easy-to-navigate central location from which to access any and all sales-related paperwork they might need.


Dealpad’s Digital Sales Room: Leverage customer engagement through data


Knowing what to show a potential customer is the first step in using Dealpad's Digital Sales Room. Managers can construct "stories" that contain collections of content and serve as templates for all the documents that should be given for a certain sort of deal, making it easier for a salesperson to quickly and precisely communicate what is required. Salespeople can select the files they want to include in a shared story, or they can create a share from scratch.


Salespeople can pick and choose which pieces of content they want to include or exclude before sending it to a prospect via email, link, or room.


We provide representatives with the option of doing a simple one-time share through email or a link, or setting up a branded room that can be maintained and updated throughout the process.


The rep can provide the room URL to the prospect, who fills out the access form and enters a customised, branded space to see the shared information. The sales rep tracks hosted asset activity, like reading or liking content.


The "Invite" button allows the buyer to invite anyone else from their company who they think needs to see the content into the session, giving the seller insight into the composition of the buying team and a window into how its members are interacting with the presentation.


The data viewed by sales representatives can then be used to tailor future sales meetings, product demonstrations, and other events to the needs of the company. Viewer analytics are tracked on an individual level while also being aggregated by content and version.


All through the life of the sale, the rep keeps the room current by adding new materials and eliminating those that are no longer useful to the purchasing team. If newer versions of an asset become available, they can update it to those as well. Meanwhile, purchasers are spared the hassle of scouring multiple locations for up-to-date versions of documents that have been centrally compiled in the DSR.


Why can using a Digital Sales Room can be beneficial?


The advent of Dealpad’s digital sales room has opened up a number of crucial avenues for increasing sales.


Acquire new contacts.


The capacity to monitor distribution and collect contact information is a significant advantage of a DSR. If your primary point of contact passes along one of your sales materials to another person, for instance, you'll know that there is another decision maker involved.


The sales team can make preparations. Is a technical product engineer aware of your content because of a marketing manager's recommendation? If that's the case, your sales team should be well-versed on the ins and outs of your SaaS API and any accessible integrations.


Moreover, if this person works for a different company, you may have uncovered an independent decision-maker. That person may simply be a friend at another company with a comparable requirement, in which case you have captured a new lead.


Find out what information is most valuable to your target audience.


Learn what information is most interesting to your target audience. Perhaps a prospect didn't spend much time reading the PowerPoint slide you provided them, but instead went right to the pricing page and stayed there for several minutes. They revisited the page three more times over the next day or so. Now that you know they are probably very price sensitive, you can adjust your strategy accordingly.


Keeps prospects involved


Maintain interest by learning whether or not a prospect reads a resource you send them. The next day, they can check in to see if the recipient has any additional inquiries about the material covered. This helps to keep the sales cycle on track by keeping the salesperson and the buyer on the same page.


Empower buyers


A DSR not only gives sales staff more control, but it also gives customers more direct authority.


Since many businesses lack a reliable, user-friendly content sharing solution, vital sales materials are frequently emailed to consumers as attachments. As the email thread grows longer and more attachments are added in response to their requests for information, the original message becomes less accessible.


Digital sales rooms, on the other hand, allow buyers to quickly and easily access all of the materials a sales representative has compiled for them. There's no more hunting down emails or forwarding them to get everyone the information they need; instead, they can simply share the link and everyone can access it.


It makes the buying and learning process more of a self-service experience, which increases customer happiness and participation in the sales process.


In addition to setting you apart from competitors, simplifying this process for your prospects will provide your sales team with the enablement tools they need to completely capitalise on a customer's unique interests. This is exactly how Dealpad helps sales teams.



A list of Dealpad alternatives.


Apart from Dealpad’s Digital Sales Room, there are a few other options that you may look at. They do not provide near as many seamless integrations as Dealpad, but nonetheless, here are some alternative choices:


  • Getaccept – According to their website, they are heavily focused on contract signing and proposal design, but there seems no apparent means to host extra, trackable content such as videos, graphics, or other documents.
  • Dealhub – It's very similar to Getaccept in the fact that they both have a singular digital room to track proposals, but apparently not a lot more. That said, they do have integrations with major CRMs.
  • Recapped – They are branded as a customer collaboration tool on their website, but it appears they can also host other marketing content as well.
  • Enable Us – They are a buyer-centric platform that provides a digital sales room, mutual action plans, and sales team onboarding.
  • Big Tin Can – They provide digital collaboration spaces where a sales team and a customer team can work together and engage with relevant content and key decision-makers.




The sales department is given the ability to exert more influence over the process of making sales through the use of digital sales rooms. It is simple to understand why sales organisations are turning to DSRs in order to close more deals in a shorter amount of time. This is because DSRs improve sales material curation, provide extensive insights into the interests of stakeholders, and automatically capture contact information.


So get yourself a free demo at Dealpad to see how you can start closing more.